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Winstrol Tabs 10 VM

Winstrol Tabs 10 VM

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    Winstrol Tabs 10

    Winstrol is a top choice as a highly effective cutting anabolic steroid capable of fast results that create a hard look within just days, making it a favourite amongst competitive and professional users. Additionally, Stanozolol is one of the very few anabolic steroids that can be used by females with a lower risk of side effects at minimal doses.

    10 mg – 50 mg / Day


    A typical cycle for Winstrol runs for between 6 and 8 weeks. As with all oral steroids, the toxic effects on the liver make it unsuitable and potentially dangerous to take for longer than 8 weeks.

    It’s not just the liver you have to worry about with a longer Winstrol cycle: the other reason not to exceed an 8-week cycle is because of Winstrol’s effect on cholesterol.

    Sticking to a 6-week cycle strikes a balance between experiencing the benefits of this steroid while reducing the risk of serious adverse health effects. When you’re undertaking a longer stacked steroid cycle, taking Winstrol for the first six weeks then stopping it while continuing with other steroids is a popular option for advanced users.





    A cycle of Winstrol only is not a popular choice, not only due to the above-mentioned joint issues that some people experience, but also because of the suppression of testosterone that will bring about a range of side effects not the least of which is likely to be low energy – something no athlete wants to experience.

    Adding at least a testosterone steroid to the cycle will counter these negative effects. Women on the other hand can benefit from a Winstrol only cycle much more so than males.

    Regardless of experience level, the maximum length of a Winstrol cycle is recommended to be no longer than 8 weeks because of the impacts on your cholesterol and liver. A 6-to-8-week Winstrol cycle is considered typical.



    A beginner to Winstrol will almost certainly opt for the oral form. This beginner oral Winstrol cycle runs for 6 weeks at a dosage of between 20mg daily up to 50mg daily – although as a beginner you will want to closely monitor side effects and preferably start off at that lower dosage until you know how Winstrol affects your body both positively and negatively.

    Beginners should not exceed a 6-week cycle because of the effects on the liver. To build more muscle on a Winston cycle and to negate the suppression of testosterone, stacking with a testosterone ester at 250-500mg per week is ideal for beginners.

    • Week 1-12 – 500mg/week Testosterone Enanthate, 0.5mg/eod Arimidex


    • Week 7-12 – 50mg/day Winstrol


    • Week 1-12 – 100mg/eod Testosterone Propionate, 0.5mg/eod Arimidex


    • Week 7-12 – 50mg/day Winstrol


    *eod – every other day



    40mg to 80mg daily of oral Winstrol for a 6-week cycle is ideal for intermediate users. Again, monitoring effects as you go allows you to increase or decrease dosage throughout the cycle, keeping in mind that the positive benefits of using a much higher dosage are going to be outweighed by the negative impact to the liver.

    Most intermediate users using Winstrol for cutting cycles and fat loss will stack it with a steroid like Trenbolone to achieve maximum fat loss while retaining lean muscle and accomplishing a hard, ripped and vascular appearance by the end of the cycle.

    • Week 1-12 – 150mg/eod Testosterone Propionate, 0.5mg/eod Arimidex


    • Week 1-8 – 400mg/week Equipoise


    • Week 7-12 – 50mg/day Winstrol, 75mg/eod Trenbolone Acetate

    *eod – every other day





    A maximum dosage of 100mg/day is often considered by advanced users of Winstrol, particularly for an upcoming competition. In this case, an advanced Winstrol cycle may involve using 50mg/day for four weeks, increasing to 100mg/day for the final two weeks of this six-to-eight-week cycle.

    Advanced users will likely be using multiple other steroids in a stack, while at the very least including a testosterone steroid such as a long ester in the form of testosterone enanthate at up to 500mg per week and depending on overall goals, halting Winstrol at week 6 to 8 of the cycle, while continuing with testosterone and other steroids for the remaining duration.

    • Week 1-8 – 250mg/eod Testosterone Enanthate, 200mg/eod Equipoise


    • Week 9-16 – 200mg/eod Testosterone Propionate, 50mg/day Winstrol, 100mg/eod Trenbolone Acetate


    • Week 1-16 (optional) – 1mg/ed Arimidex, 4iu/ed HGH


    *eod – every other day
    *ed – every day



    Winstrol suppresses your normal production of testosterone, so one of the big goals of your PCT is to kickstart natural hormone function again, both to retain gains and body fat improvements you’ve made on your cycle, and for your overall health.


    Starting PCT after a Winstrol cycle is recommended within about 12 hours of the end of the cycle due to the short half-life of this steroid. However, because Winstrol is rarely taken as a standalone steroid, other steroid compounds you’re using in your cycle will likely determine when you’re going to begin PCT and which drugs you’re going to use since most other steroids are aromatizing and it is the effects of the other steroids, rather than Winstrol, that you will be aiming to reverse during your PCT Cycle.

    Nolvadex is considered a good PCT choice for more mild steroid cycles. It helps restore your natural hormone activity and comes with minimal risk of side effects. Running Nolvadex for four weeks at a dosage of 40mg daily for the first two weeks, followed by 20mg daily for the final two weeks will have your natural testosterone and other hormones back on track and functioning as they were before your steroid cycle.

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    Chemical Composition




    Pack Size

    50 Tabs


    V-Med Labs

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