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Tren Oral 250 HD

Tren Oral 250 HD

Regular price R 250.00
Regular price Sale price R 250.00
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Tren Oral 250

Tren Oral is an anabolic steroid made in the lab, and it is commonly used in sports to increase muscle gain. Users also grow stronger and can gain endurance when engaging in extreme workouts such as weightlifting for bodybuilders.

Additional information

Chemical Composition




Pack Size

50 Tabs


HD Labs

Dosage Instructions

Recommendation for the first cycle you take between 250 -500 mcg a day for an entire cycle, a cycle is 3 weeks. For the second cycle, you can step up the dosage to 750mcg’s a day for another 3 weeks and the third cycle you can go back to taking 500mcg per day.

It’s important to drink a lot of water while on cycle.


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