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Testosterone Suspension 100 VM

Testosterone Suspension 100 VM

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R 410.00

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    Testosterone Suspension is the most powerful and pure form of testosterone available. Being pure testosterone, it comes with a very short half-life at as little as two hours and therefore requires regular injections to maintain blood levels. For this reason, it is not as widely used as the more common ester forms of testosterone which can be injected much less frequently.

    Dosage Instructions

    50mg – 200mg / Week

    Most beginner users are unlikely to consider using Testosterone Suspension if for no other reason than the discomfort in committing to such regular and potentially painful injections. Even intermediate users may shy away from this steroid for these reasons, so it is often considered an advanced level steroid only.


    Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Suspension Dosage

    If a beginner does decide to take on Testosterone Suspension, a dose of 100mg every other day is possible even though best results are always going to be achieved with daily injections.

    Intermediate users will need to commit to daily injections of between 50mg and 100mg each day or at least on training days.

    The most advanced users will inject up to 200mg per day and those who know exactly what they’re doing will often inject more than once daily to get the best results from this rapid acting steroid.

    Female Testosterone Suspension Dosage

    Testosterone Suspension is not a steroid that is ever recommended for use by females due to its exceptionally fast working nature and very high risk of androgenic effects; so, there is no dosage recommendations for woman to use this form of testosterone for performance enhancing purposes.




    The very frequent injections required of this steroid make it one that few people will use for a full cycle, with 4 weeks being standard for most users and advanced users sometimes extending to six weeks combined with other steroids.

    Beginner Testosterone Suspension Cycle

    Beginners can make use of Testosterone Suspension as the only compound in a short cycle of 4 weeks at a dose of between 50mg and 100mg daily injected an hour pre-workout on training days. This will provide fast acting results, although you must be aware of water retention during this time and introduce the new user to regularly injecting.


    Intermediate Testosterone Suspension Cycle

    Combining Suspension with another testosterone ester like Testosterone Enanthate and other compounds like Deca-Durabolin is a standard intermediate cycle plan.

    12-week Test Suspension/Test E/Deca Cycle

    For this cycle you’ll need 3x10ml (100mg/ml) bottles of Test Suspension, 3x10ml (250mg/ml) bottles of Test E, 3x10ml (150mg/ml) bottles of Deca, 30x50mg Clomid tabs and 84×0.5mg Arimidex tabs. You will inject the compounds for 12 weeks as follow:


    • Weeks 1-6 – 100mg/day Test Suspension on training days (inject one hour before workout)


    • Weeks 1-12 – 300mg/week Deca injected 150mg/e3.5d (Mon/Thu), 500mg/week Test E injected 250mg/e3.5d (Mon/Thu)


    *e3.5d – every 3.5 days

    In this cycle Testosterone Suspension provides a powerful kickstart to the results. Throughout the cycle use 0.5mg/day Arimidex. Start your PCT 14 days after your last Test E shot with 100mg/day Clomid for 10 days and after that continue with 50mg/day Clomid for 10 more days.

    Advanced Testosterone Suspension Cycle

    A powerful advanced 6-week bulking stack making use of Testosterone Suspension at 100mg to 200mg daily for the whole cycle combined with Dianabol at 25mg/day and Winstrol at 350mg/week for extra muscle hardening.

    Additional information

    Chemical Composition

    Testosterone Suspension (Water Solution)



    Pack Size

    20ml Vial


    V-Med Labs

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