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R 635.00

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    IGF-1 LR3

    IGF-1 is a hormone that manages the effects of growth hormone (GH) in your body. Together, IGF-1 and GH promote normal growth of bones and tissues. GH levels in the blood fluctuate throughout the day depending on your diet and activity levels. But IGF-1 levels remain stable

    IGF1 is a growth promoting peptide that plays a critical role in our growth and development. It mediates most of the actions of HGH, one of which is skeletal muscle growth and does this by triggering new cell growth, and by stimulating the uptake of nutrients into growing tissues. IGF1 is produced in our bodies when HGH binds to growth hormone receptors in the liver and other tissues. When the liver releases IGF-1 it signals the body to begin to grow. The amount of IGF-1 produced is regulated by insulin, due to insulin’s ability to increase growth hormone receptor expression.

    Dosage Instructions

    Injected via Subcutaneous injection after a workout at 20 – 40mcg per day with a typical cycle length of 4-6 weeks

    Additional information

    Chemical Composition

    Insulin Like Growth Factor



    Pack Size

    1 Vial


    V-Med Labs

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