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HCG – Pregnyl GP

HCG – Pregnyl GP

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R 240.00

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    HCG – Pregnyl

    HCG is a powerful naturally occurring hormone that is valued by steroid users for the ability it must help increase, maintain or restore normal testosterone production.

    HCG is effective when used with other compounds rather than it being used alone and while it has seen some mainstream promotion as a failed (and illegal) weight loss ingredient, HCG’s real power lies in its ability to help steroid users achieve a major goal after a steroid cycle: to get natural testosterone back on track again.

    Dosage Instructions

    2500iu -7500iu’s per week via subcutaneous abdominal injection with a typical cycle length of 4-6 Weeks.

    Whichever purpose you are using HCG for – on cycle or for PCT – the dosage and administration of this hormone is very sparse and controlled and unlike that of any other compound you will be using whether that be steroids themselves or drugs like SERMs and AIs.

    When buying HCG from your chosen source you will normally receive a small packet of powder containing the active ingredients and another with sterile water in it. These two items are to be mixed to form your injectable ingredient. Any leftover must be refrigerated for later use – do not store the solution at room temperature.

    HCG Dosage During Anabolic Steroid Use
    When using HCG during your steroid cycle you will want to take it no more than once every 3 to 5 days at a maximum. This will come as some relief since HCG is an injection, so you won’t have to be adding an extra injection to your steroid program too often.

    A very low dose of HCG during this time is considered sufficient and this is usually in the realm of 250iu. There is no benefit to increasing the dose beyond this level, nor the frequency of administration.

    This modest dosage is enough to give you all the benefits you want from HCG without putting your future testosterone restoration at risk by having the body become dependent on HCG which is an increased risk when you increase the dose – therefore, 250iu once every 5 days is suitable for most male steroid users while on cycle.

    HCG Dosage for Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion and PCT
    HCG is most used as a kick start to your PCT cycle in preparation for the use of SERMs afterwards. The length and dose of HCG during this time should be determined on how powerful your steroid cycle was and the level of testosterone suppression it is likely to have caused.
    This can be difficult for new steroid users to gauge initially so a lower HCG dose is advised in those circumstances.

    Many users will take HCG for a period of two to three weeks with doses every 3 or 4 days starting at 1000iu at the low end right up to 4000iu. This higher dosage is advised only for advanced users who have used HCG previously and understand its effects. Following this short HCG cycle, SERM administration can begin to carry through the rest of your PCT phase

    Additional information

    Chemical Composition

    HCG 5000 Chorionic Gonadotropin


    5 000 iu

    Pack Size

    1 Vial


    Genitec Pharma

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