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Deca 300 VM

Deca 300 VM

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R 550.00

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    Deca 300

    Deca Durabolin is an injectable, basic steroid and is very popular within the bodybuilding world as a bulking agent, with the active ingredient Nandrolone Decanoate. It is often used for strong steroid courses for large and rapid growth in muscle mass and physical strength.

    Dosage Instructions

    The recommended weekly dosage of Deca Durabolin is 300-600mg. The course should last 8-10 weeks in duration.


    Beginner Deca Cycle

    Beginners to Deca will want to pair this steroid with testosterone in a basic stack to ensure your test levels are not shut down. Test E and Deca is a common combination with a cycle length of 12 to 14 weeks. Deca at 200mg to 300mg per week will prove highly effective for any beginner, with Testosterone Enanthate at up to 500mg weekly is a necessary addition to ensure testosterone levels are maintained.

    With a 14-week cycle, Deca would usually be stopped at week 12, so PCT can begin soon after the effects of the long lasting Deca are near their end point. Arimidex PCT at a dose of 0.5mg daily will greatly assist in reducing side effects.

    Intermediate Deca Cycle

    Intermediate users will look at using Deca-Durabolin with at least two other compounds, with Dball and Test Cyp being popular choices.

    This 12-week cycle consists of 500mg per week of testosterone running for the entire 12 weeks, with 400mg weekly of Deca for the first 10 weeks only. Dianabol should be used only for the first 6 weeks at a daily dose of about 30mg. Throughout the entire cycle Arimidex should be taken to combat estrogen side effects at a dose of 0.5mg/day.

    Advanced Deca Cycle

    The most experienced users might increase the dosage of Deca up to 600mg weekly, although at 400mg most guys will find they are getting excellent results and not crossing the threshold into more severe side effects.

    An advanced Deca cycle then consists of a weekly dose in the range of 400-600mg for 14 weeks, and if the goal is serious bulking, combining this with several other compounds: Testosterone Cypionate at the desired dosage (e.g., 500mg weekly) ran for the entire 16 weeks, Dball for the first 6 weeks at 50mg daily, and an addition of HGH also taken for 16 weeks as it is known to work extremely well in a bulking cycle with Deca.

    Additional information

    Chemical Composition

    Nandrolone Decanoate



    Pack Size

    10ml Vial


    V-Med Labs

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