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Clenbuterol 40 GP

Clenbuterol 40 GP

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Regular price R 100.00
Sale price R 100.00 Regular price
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R 100.00

Estimated delivery: 5-7 Days from order date.

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    Clenbuterol 40

    Often considered more of a stimulant than a true steroid, Clenbuterol is notorious as a powerful fat burner that works by increasing thermogenesis which raises the metabolism. This helps burn off stored fat as the body is in a constant state of a heightened metabolic rate, even while at rest.

    Dosage Instructions

    10 mg – 50 mg / Day

    A key aspect of working out your Clenbuterol dosage for a cycle is to plan how you’re going to gradually increase the dose over time. This needs to be done as your body becomes used to the effects of the medication. Starting a cycle at a low dose then building it up over a two-week cycle for the most effective fat burning results.

    For most users this involves starting a cycle at the lowest effective dose and raising it to the highest safe dose by the end of the cycle. Most people will be looking at a maximum dosage of between 120mcg an 160mcg daily.

    Additional information

    Chemical Composition

    Clenbuterol Hydrochloride



    Pack Size

    50 Tabs


    Genitec Pharma

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