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Arimidex 1 HD

Arimidex 1 HD

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    Arimidex is an anti-estrogen aromatase inhibitor (AI) drug which was originally formulated as a medication for breast cancer in post-menopausal women and is still used for that purpose today.

    The generic name of Arimidex is Anastrozole and while there are several other brand names used around the world, Arimidex is by far the most common and widely used and known.

    It’s the Arimidex brand that is very popular among steroid users to address the estrogenic side effects we experience with the use of many anabolic steroids. For this purpose, Arimidex is almost always recommended for use in a steroid cycle.

    When you use anabolic steroids, you change your body chemistry.
    In the simplest explanation possible, steroids are basically synthetic hormones that are all based on testosterone.Testosterone is an androgenic hormone with anabolic properties, making it perfect for muscle growth.
    Steroids basically mimic the effects of testosterone, except for the fact that the effects they provide have been increased exponentially.

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    Chemical Composition




    Pack Size

    50 Tabs


    HD Labs

    Dosage Instructions

    1mg every third day.

    Arimidex Dosage During Anabolic Steroid Use
    Arimidex is a highly effective aromatase inhibitor at low doses for estrogen control when using steroids that aromatize. Many guys will find that 0.5mg every two days is enough to mitigate all side effects.
    Others will need to increase to 1mg every two days. While some people will take as much as 1mg of Arimidex every day during a cycle this is usually unnecessary, and it’s also advised to test your individual response to the drug by starting out at the lower dose.
    Female Arimidex Dosage
    Because it has such strong estrogen suppressive effects, Arimidex is mostly only given to post-menopausal women as a breast cancer treatment to slow the growth of some types of tumors and where the cancer is still progressing after the use of SERM drugs. The most common dosage is 1mg daily.

    Many women will be required to take Arimidex for up to five years to help control the growth of cancerous tumors. This long-term administration of Arimidex comes with increased risk of side effects that we rarely or never see with the short term use that steroid users undertake with this drug.
    As Arimidex is not prescribed medically for most women with breast cancer who have not yet reached menopause, female steroid users also should not use this drug for any purpose.

    Arimidex Dosage for PCT and Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion
    As mentioned already, Arimidex is not a prime choice for post cycle therapy purposes for most steroid users.
    While it has some function for helping stimulate the production of testosterone, its highly suppressive effects on estrogen can result in a less than ideal effect on testosterone production and a result that is not as effective as using SERMs like Nolvadex and Clomid, which are more commonly used for PCT purposes, in conjunction with hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin).
    While everyone reacts differently to different drugs, and your post cycle therapy will also depend on the type of steroid cycle you were on, some may wish to include Arimidex and in these cases a dosage of 0.5mg to 1mg daily during the post cycle therapy cycle is sufficient.

    Arimidex vs Nolvadex for PCT
    More and more bodybuilders are turning to AIs like Arimidex to meet their needs for a powerful and effective anti-estrogen while using steroids because AIs actually block the function of estrogen, while SERMs like Nolvadex are very selective in how and where they can stop the functioning of estrogen.

    But many of us are still using Nolvadex and other SERM’s, often in conjunction with AIs.
    How does Nolvadex compare with Arimidex and should you still be using a SERM at all? It’s not so black and white, and ultimately it comes down to how your body reacts to the drugs and the strength of your steroid cycle and the associated side effects.
    A big advantage that Nolvadex and other SERMs have over Arimidex and AIs is that while Arimidex is likely to have a negative impact on your cholesterol by lowering HDL cholesterol – the good cholesterol type and this is amplified further when it’s used with most anabolic steroids, Nolvadex does not come with this concern.
    In fact, Nolvadex can potentially be good for cholesterol; quite the opposite to Arimidex in this regard. This is a big reason, especially for those concerned with cholesterol health, that people will choose to use SERMs over an AI like Arimidex particularly for more mild steroid cycles where an AI might not be needed anyway.
    There’s another huge benefit to Nolvadex though: it is very effective during post cycle therapy to stimulate the natural production of testosterone following suppression during a steroid cycle.
    Arimidex and SERMs in general simply don’t excel at this function because although it has some testosterone stimulating effects, the way Arimidex suppresses estrogen levels so much that there is not enough for normal functioning makes testosterone stimulation quite weak and not often enough to provide the much-needed benefits during post cycle therapy.
    Therefore, Arimidex is rarely recommended for use during post cycle therapy and instead is a drug that is mostly used during a steroid cycle which is where it’s performance and results does outshine that of Nolvadex. That’s not to say that bodybuilders don’t use Arimidex during post cycle therapy: many do but only in conjunction with other drugs so that every possible angle is covered to aid in total recovery from a powerful steroid cycle.
    For people foregoing Arimidex altogether during post cycle therapy, a combination of Clomid, Nolvadex and hCG are often used instead. The goal of post cycle therapy is to stimulate testosterone not only for normal functioning as a male, but also to retain your muscle gains and control body fat – both of which will suffer when testosterone levels are lower than normal


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