Anabolicum – LGD
Anabolicum/Ligandrol, or its research name of LGD-4033, is a popular SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) which like most SARMs has been to specifically target androgen receptors in the muscles and bones.
This means it should have little to no impact on any other areas of the body, unlike steroids which directly alter the hormones and cause some drastic side effects. LGD is valued not only for the results it can deliver, but in the way it can do so with often no side effects at all or only very mild ones in some users.
Dosage Instructions
0.5mg to 2mg / Day
As noted, at a dose of just 1mg daily the trial participants saw a significant suppression of testosterone levels while using the compound so if this is a concern for you, dosage must be started at a low level to gauge the effects.
The good news is that only very low doses of this SARM are needed to get good results, as we’ve seen in clinical trial results, and this will help keep side effects at bay.
While some people might increase dosage right up to 15mg or 20mg daily or more, keep testosterone suppression in mind and be prepared to combat it after your cycle. When it comes to females using LGD, 5mg per day is the maximum recommended dosage.
With a half-life of 24 hours, you can get by with a once daily dosing of this compound, but you can also split it if you experience effects like headache or fatigue at higher dosages.
An 8-week cycle can be expected to deliver excellent results, but it’s possible to use this SARM for 12 weeks to really allow the effects to kick in over a longer period. Post cycle therapy to speed up the restoration of hormone production should run for at least 4 weeks.
LGD’s is effective at low doses so there’s no need to ramp up your dose to amplify the effects; this has no benefit and can raise the risk of more serious side effects and a greater suppression of testosterone. In fact, as little as 1mg daily can give most people some very noticeable results.
If you’re a new user, then evaluating LGD’s effects at just 1mg a day will provide a good introduction to this SARM. More advanced users with goals ranging from cutting, bulking or performance benefits will increase the dose from between 5mg daily up to 10mg. The most advanced performance athletes have reported taking up to 20mg daily, but this is considered excessive for most people.
Female users can get by with a lower dose than males but will still see exceptional results.
LGD is taken orally, and it’s recommended to take the day’s dose in a single administration, as there is no need to split it due to the half-life of up to 36 hours – a single daily dose is more than often enough to keep your blood levels of LGD-4033 at the optimal level.
Most users found LGD to be safe and well tolerated across the dosage range given in the study which ran for 3 weeks. Even short-term doses above 20mg per day were tested and it was found to have no noticeably negative impacts on users; however, it is not recommended to use such a high dosage for the length of time that most LGD users will be running a cycle.
Additional information
Chemical Composition |
LGD-4033 |
Strength |
5mg |
Pack Size |
50 Tabs |
Laboratory |
HD Labs |