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Andarine – S4 HD

Andarine – S4 HD

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R 320.00

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    Andarine – S4

    Andarine has become a compound of interest among athletes and bodybuilders for these very reasons. Athletes choose to use Andarine for potential performance benefits including lean muscle growth, increased strength and bone density, fat loss, better endurance and more efficient use of nutrients.

    These positive effects come with the benefit of minimal androgenic effects which appeals especially to women who can suffer severe masculinizing side effects with anabolic steroids which have much higher androgenic properties than SARMs like Andarine do.

    Dosage Instructions

    Andarine has a very short half-life measured in just three to four hours. This will require you to take this SARM multiple times per day with three times daily being the standard and usually this will be taken at mealtimes. This regular dosing can make Andarine a SARM that is mostly appealing to the most serious users who are dedicated to not missing a dose.

    Dosage varies wildly with experience and goals and can range from just 25mg daily up to 75mg as the maximum. Higher doses increase your risk of side effects so new users should always start low and evaluate your body’s reaction to Andarine before increasing the dosage. Hormone suppression is also more likely at higher doses.

    The right dosage for you is an important consideration that should be carefully planned and evaluated as you go not only to ensure the best performance benefits and overall results, but also to balance out the side effects against these benefits. You will be wanting to take the optimal dose for best results while minimizing testosterone suppression and risk of eyesight related side effects.
    If you’re a first time Andarine user, you will be looking at a trial-and-error approach initially by starting out with a low dose and evaluating both your results and any development of side effects.

    Andarine is actually very beneficial at low doses, so there’s no need to raise the dose to dangerous levels under the assumption it will boost results. It is powerfully anabolic and will provide impressive benefits at sensible doses, usually starting low at the beginning of the cycle and slowly raising it as you progress.

    An initial dose of 25mg daily will provide great benefit for most users and this can be increased over time to a maximum of 50mg per day, if vision issues don’t present themselves. 50mg per day should be the maximum anyone takes of Andarine.

    Importantly, because Andarine has a very short half-life of as little as four hours, whatever dose you are taking will need to be split up during the day. Most people will stick to either two or three doses throughout the day. This strategy ensures that your blood concentration levels of Andarine remain at peak level.

    Andarine Cycles
    The maximum length of an Andarine cycle should always be no longer than 8 weeks, regardless of your dosage. This is to mostly minimize the risk of serious vision impairment issues developing.

    Andarine only cycle
    Starting Andarine at 25mg in this 8-week cycle making use solely of this SARM will allow you to evaluate its effects. If all is going well and vision related issues are minimal or non-existent then the dose can be increased to 50mg daily – but you should not exceed that dosage as the maximum.

    Andarine bulking cycle
    Testolone (RAD 140) works well in combination with Andarine in a bulking cycle stack. Starting Andarine at 25mg daily at the start and increasing it to 50mg daily, while using Testolone at just 10mg per day will provide excellent mass gains. Testolone can be increased to 20mg daily for more advanced users.

    Andarine cutting cycle
    A popular cutting stack involves the addition of Cardarine. Again, limiting Andarine to between 25mg and 50mg daily provides best results, and starting low then increasing it through the cycle is a common strategy. Cardarine is effective at 20mg daily in this stack. This stack will result in increased endurance, fat burning, muscle hardening and muscle retention.

     Andarine’s short half-life will require you to split your desired dose into two to three doses daily to maintain optimal blood levels. All cycles should be limited to no longer than 8 weeks.

    Additional information

    Chemical Composition




    Pack Size

    50 Tabs


    HD Labs

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