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Masteron Enanthate 200mg (Masta-Ject 200) HD

Masteron Enanthate 200mg (Masta-Ject 200) HD

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R 600.00

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    Masteron Enanthate 200mg (Masta-Ject 200)

    Drostanolone Propionate, or Masteron as it’s commonly known, is a popular cutting compound particularly favored by those who compete in bodybuilding contests because its maximum potential is seen in people who are already lean, cut and are carrying low fat levels.

    Masteron is especially good at helping you burn off the most stubborn final ounces of fat that can be hard to shift with other compounds while helping you get the most hard and dry look possible because this steroid comes without the issue of fluid retention.

    Masteron isn’t a compound to throw into a steroid cycle without understanding what its exact purpose and function is, as this is a compound that suits quite a specific goal and most of the time is going to be most ideal for competitive bodybuilders or just those who have the most discipline to undertake the best possible cutting cycle for maximum results.

    Dosage Instructions

    200mg – 400mg / Week

    Getting the best possible results from Masteron will not only depend on how good your training and diet is while you’re using the steroid, and what other compounds you might stack it with, but just as important is your dosage and cycle length. With a bit of planning, you can create the perfect cycle for your experience level and your personal goals.

    Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Masteron Dosage

    For most users, the dosage of Masteron will be kept at a low level. This is not a mass building steroid and increasing the dose to gain muscle will be futile, with other compounds being much more suitable for that purpose. For physique enhancement Masteron has no need to be taken any higher than 400mg per week.

    Beginners are unlikely to want to go any lower than a 200mg weekly dose of Masteron for physique enhancement, so this is considered a good starting point if it’s your first time using this compound. Unlike most other steroids though, increasing up to or near the maximum recommended dosage for any experience level is possible and even encouraged for beginners with Masteron. That means beginners can confidently use 400mg weekly as it is at that level where Masteron’s hardening and other physique enhancing effects really kick in, and this is the case no matter what level user you are making this one of the very few steroids where beginners are able to confidently use the same amount of the compound as even the most advanced users.

    Just as with beginners, intermediate level users will do very well at the 400mg weekly dose as there are no benefits to going any higher, nor can maximum possible results be yielded with a much lower dose. 400mg is considered the sweet spot of Masteron use in any cycle regardless of what an intermediate user will be stacking it with.

    Advanced users generally also stick with a 400mg dose with the full knowledge that Masteron does not and cannot act as a primary anabolic steroid in any cycle, with that role going to other compounds which much stronger anabolic effects.

    Additional information

    Chemical Composition

    Drostanolone Enanthate


    200mg / ml

    Pack Size

    10ml Vial


    HD Labs

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