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BeeSting FB

BeeSting FB

Price :
Regular price R 265.00
Sale price R 265.00 Regular price
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Sub total

R 265.00

Estimated delivery: 5-7 Days from order date.

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    Beesting Fat Burner is the complete thermionic hive. With active ingredients shown to be able to aid metabolism, as well as suppress appetite and cravings.

    Beesting Sting incorporates the original, powerfully proven thermogenic combination of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. The ultimate energizing fat burner, in a potent SYNERGISTIC STACK.

    Sting also includes the synergistic combination with this complete hive, these thermogenic active ingredients it has been shown to be able to modify and stimulate metabolism as well as suppress appetite.

    This may BEE just the STING you need to maximize your progress in terms of fat loss and achieving that lean muscular look faster, when added as part of you complete nutrition and training solution.

    Beesting Sting will assist with a rapid and almost instant promotion of ingredients to suppressing appetite, burn fat and promote energy.

    Unlike standard fat-burning formulas, whose effects come and go quickly, these ingredients are active for an extended period of time, which means that the appetite-suppressing and fat-burning effects of Sting continue to work for 24 hours allowing you to consistently lose weight around the clock.

    Beesting Sting is a fat burner that offers speed and duration. A quick and rapid onset of its powerful fat-burning and energy-promoting effects, combined with a controlled and extended release, will ensure maximum results day and night.

    Suitable for Males and Females over the age of 21 years.

    Dosage Instructions

    Take 2 capsules daily, one capsule before training and one capsule 30 minutes before a large meal on an empty stomach. Do not take these capsules in the evenings as it might keep you awake. Do not exceed 5 days per week or 3 capsules per day. Do not use for more than 12 weeks, if so, rest for 2 weeks and then retake for the next 12 weeks.

    Chemical Composition

    Aspirin + Extras, Caffeine, Ephedrine, Yohimbine HCL



    Pack Size

    60 Caps


    Fat Burners

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