If you’re familiar with SARMs you might think that YK11 is just another SARM that’s useful for bodybuilders. In fact, YK-11 is a little different in the way it works and when it comes to potential results (which let’s face it, is what we’re really interested in), YK-11 can be placed near or even at the top of the pile of SARMs for muscle growth.
Some even call it the most powerful SARM and while that’s impossible to prove, there’s no doubt that YK11 is very effective and therefore should be a top consideration if you’re looking to get into SARMs or looking to try a new compound.
Dosage Instructions
0.5mg – 10mg Per Day
YK11 is fully capable of delivering very impressive results at low doses so if you’re just starting out, there’s no need to worry that starting low won’t give you what you want: because even just 5mg per day is going to allow you some nice muscle gains even with a short cycle of just 4 weeks, although ideally you will extend this to 8 weeks.
Once you feel confident in using this SARM and can control any side effects that develop, a dose of 10mg is viable, while up to 15mg can be considered for more advanced users. No one should be going above 15mg because of the heightened risk of side effects. Most male users will find that 10mg daily is more than sufficient.
Women can use YK11 at low doses starting at just 0.5mg daily with a maximum of 2mg.
YK-11 has a short half-life (although even its precise half-life is yet to be confirmed through studies) so it’s advisable to split your dose into a twice daily administration so you’re able to maintain the most optimal level of the compound in the bloodstream.
YK11 has good bioavailability when taken orally and this is how most people will choose to take it, but some will select to inject the compound however this is considered an advanced strategy and not recommended for those who have no experience with injecting.
YK11 Only cycle
This is a SARM that is more than powerful enough to use on its own with excellent results, and that is what many people do. The shortest and sharpest introduction cycle is to take just 5mg daily over a 4-to-6-week cycle.
New users to YK11 can use this short cycle to evaluate results, and you will see results within that short time frame while minimizing testosterone suppression. Once you feel more confident you can consider increasing the dosage to 10mg or even 15mg daily for an 8-week cycle. Note that a dose any higher than 15mg is not recommended.
YK11 bulking cycle
YK11 will bulk you up seriously when used on its own, but if you want to take things to another level there are some other SARMs and similar compounds you can stack it with. One of the common ones to use with YK-11 is LGD-4033 (Ligandrol). Super advanced users might even add a third compound, with Testolone (RAD-140) and Ostarine (MK-2866) being popular. But possibly the most powerful bulking and strength combo is that of YK11 stacked with RAD140
This emphasis on boosting strength is important because this extra strength is going to power your workouts and bring on those bulking results much faster. Gains will also be nice and dry without issues of water retention. Dosages in this 8-week cycle can be set at 10mg daily for YK11 and 15mg daily of RAD-140. These doses will give you noticeable strength benefits within just the first week.
YK11 cutting cycle
S4 (Andarine) and Cardarine are two compounds that will provide an exceptional cutting cycle when stacked with YK11.
If you only choose one compound to stack with YK-11, which is the best strategy to start with, then consider Cardarine. While it’s not strictly a SARM, it is very effective for stimulating fat burning and is a popular cutting compound on its own.
At low doses Cardarine is effective and boosting endurance which is going to propel your workouts for quicker fat burning. 10mg of Cardarine daily combined with just 5mg daily of YK-11 will promote muscle retention, some possible muscle gains and importantly, fat loss and physique hardening without water retention or gyno.
Do you need to do post cycle therapy after using YK11? Yes, it’s always ideal to have your PCT ready to go. You can expect some suppression of testosterone with this SARM, ranging from mild to moderate depending on your dose.
If you’ve used steroids before then you can expect YK-11 to not cause a testosterone crash or complete suppression, but you should not go into using YK11 thinking it’ll have zero effect on testosterone; virtually all SARMs suppress to some extent.
If you’re stacking YK11 with one or more other compounds you can expect more suppression; but again, this depends on doses and cycle lengths.
Standard PCT protocols can be followed with the length of PCT unlikely to require being if you’d complete after steroids. A minimum of 4 weeks is still recommended. The most used PCT drugs will be highly effective after a YK11 cycle, with those being Clomid and Nolvadex. It’s highly unlikely you would need to take PCT further by using HCG which is common after steroids.
Signs of lowered testosterone include lack of energy, loss of muscle, fat gain, low libido, and general feelings of being unwell. It’s best not to wait for these signs to occur and instead to be proactive in getting PCT going after your YK-11 cycle.
Additional information
Chemical Composition |
YK-11 |
Strength |
10mg |
Pack Size |
50 Tabs |
Laboratory |
iPharma |