Equipoise 250
Equipoise, often known simply as EQ is a testosterone derived anabolic steroid with a reduced androgenic nature compared with standard testosterone.
Although EQ (or Boldenone) does not give us the sheer power in mass gains that testosterone can provide, it comes with a host of benefits both in terms of performance and a noticeable decrease in side effects compared with testosterone itself.
This can make it an appealing steroid for beginners who are not ready to deal with serious estrogenic side effects, while at the same time advanced users can use Equipoise in combination with other steroids to get very specific results.
Dosage Instructions
200mg – 400mg / Week
Equipoise is a steroid that does not benefit from taking very doses, so users of any experience level will want to maintain a similar dose keeping mind that the higher the dose the more likely estrogenic effects are going to be. Moderate doses of EQ provide very manageable estrogen related activity with effective male doses considered to be within the 200mg to 600mg range.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced EQ Dosage
While beginners can start at a low dose of just 200mg weekly, to really get the benefits from EQ you will likely want to administer no less than 400mg per week even as a beginner user to this steroid. Side effects directly caused by EQ and not by other steroids in the cycle will be easy to control at this dosage while providing the positive benefits.
More advanced users can easily raise the dose to 600mg weekly, but with this comes a greater risk of estrogenic effects. While higher doses can be an option it also comes with much greater aromatization activity with little to no positive benefit. Therefore, regardless of experience level the optimal weekly dose of Equipoise is between 400mg and 600mg.
Proper EQ Administration and Timing
Because it’s such a long and slow acting steroid, it needs to be used for a suitable length of time to make the most of it and the minimum viable length to include EQ in a cycle is 8 weeks. Depending on your goals, up to 12 weeks of Equipoise is considered safe and effective.
Thanks to its long-lasting properties, EQ works fine when injected just once per week but despite this, some people will still want to split the dose if for no other reason than to reduce the volume being injected each time. If injecting twice weekly, the injections should be evenly spaced so your blood levels remain consistent throughout the cycle.
EQ is a steroid that does not have just one way to use it in a cycle. Being a versatile steroid in its properties and effects, it’s also versatile in how you can include it in a cycle.
It can be used for several goals, but one of the most common is to use Boldenone in a cutting cycle and in these cases, it’s best used at the beginning of a cycle, where other steroids – particularly those that don’t aromatize at all – are then continued for a longer period. Masteron or Trenbolone are popular stacking options when using EQ for cutting. Below are some example cycles that cover different levels of experience with steroids.
Beginner Equipoise Cycle
Most beginners will only look at including testosterone in a stack with EQ, to combat the suppressive nature of Boldenone. But the testosterone will also serve to deliver some mass gains, if the beginner is able to adequately control estrogenic side effects which will occur at this dosage.
The slow acting effect of EQ will require this cycle to be run for a longer period than many other beginner cycles, with at least 12 weeks being suitable, but a 14-week cycle can also be considered. Using Testosterone Enanthate at 300mg to 500mg per week and Equipoise at 400mg weekly will provide excellent results for either lean mass gains or cutting, provided the diet and workout regime is suitable.
This cycle delivers an excellent and safe introduction to anabolic steroids for any beginner user.
Intermediate Equipoise Cycle
Most intermediate users will be confident in using some other anabolic steroids, and in this case, we can include the powerful Dianabol to the cycle alongside Equipoise and testosterone. Dianabol serves an important purpose in this cycle by kicking off gains for the first four weeks. Dianabol is then stopped while Equipoise and Testosterone are continued for the remaining 8 weeks, making up a 12-week cycle in total.
While Dianabol kicks in fast at the start of the cycle, EQ takes a lot longer to kick in with its slower acting nature. This means the start of your cycle isn’t spent waiting for gains. Dianabol, as an oral anabolic, only needs to be taken at 25mg daily for 4 weeks to see excellent effects. For the entire 12 weeks, Equipoise at 500mg to 600mg weekly combined with 100mg weekly of Testosterone Enanthate simply to provide a baseline of testosterone will yield superb results.
Advanced Equipoise Cycle
Hardcore steroid users will look at adding a non-aromatizing steroid to the cycle and in this case Trenbolone is a good fit when combined with Equipoise and Testosterone. The versatility of this cycle makes it highly suitable for just about any goal, from gaining lean mass and bulking, to cutting.
Trenbolone is a very strong steroid which provides a big boost to muscle endurance and recovery. If using this cycle for cutting, Equipoise will promote the preservation of muscle while testosterone will take care of your testosterone requirements during the cycle at a maintenance dose.
This 12-week cycle can include Testosterone Enanthate at just 100mg weekly to provide for base testosterone, up to 600mg of Equipoise weekly and 400mg of Trenbolone Enanthate weekly. The big benefit of this cycle is the small number of estrogenic effects that can be expected with Trenbolone not aromatizing, testosterone at a very low dose that is unlikely to cause any issues and Equipoise having only mild aromatizing activity.
Stacking Equipoise
EQ stacks very well with a whole range of other steroids and since it’s a compound you are highly unlikely to be using alone, it will virtually always be stacked with at least one other steroid.
Recommended EQ cycles:
- Week 1-5 – 40-50mg/day Dbol
- Week 1-2 – 800mg/week EQ (split it into Mon/Wed/Fri shots)
- Week 3-12 – 400mg/week EQ (again split in 3x shots/week), 400-500mg/week Testosterone Enanthate injected once/week
- Week 1-14 – 0.5mg/e3d Arimidex (Arimidex PCT)
- Week 13-14 – 2500iu/week HCG split up into 2x shots of 1250iu (Mon/Thur) for 2 weeks
- Week 15-17 – 100mg/day Clomid on days 1-10, then drop to 50mg/day on days 11-20
At the very least, a testosterone steroid must be added to a cycle that uses EQ because while its suppressive qualities are relatively mild, they still exist so you need to provide a testosterone source for the duration of the cycle.
When used in a cutting cycle, EQ is best stacked with other steroids that don’t aromatize. While Boldenone has mild aromatizing effects compared with many other steroids, they still exist and those on a serious cutting cycle will want zero aromatization and associated estrogenic effects particularly towards the end of a cutting cycle.
In these cases, EQ stacks well with steroids like Masteron, but Equipoise should be stopped several weeks before the end of the total cycle, so any estrogenic activity is eliminated before you reach the end of the cycle. Common choices for stacking with Equipoise include Dianabol which can provide a fast boost of mass gains, power and strength at the start of the cycle.
Another common choice is Trenbolone, a Nandrolone based steroid which is well suited for use with Equipoise because it also isn’t a hugely powerful mass gainer while not being an aromatizing compound, making it excellent for muscle hardening in cutting cycles.
Equipoise is known as a very versatile steroid that can be used for multiple goals. It is not a hugely potent mass gaining steroid, so its best use is not as a main bulking compound.
It can still deliver some nice clean gains in mass, and gains which come with less of the issues of steroids with higher estrogenic effects like fluid retention.
But there are many other benefits to EQ and these include strength gains, increased appetite (although the effects of this vary widely between individuals), and perhaps best of all is Equipoise ability to help preserve lean muscle during cutting cycles where you’re on a calorie restricted diet and the loss of muscle is a real concern if the body falls into a catabolic state. Equipoise muscle retention capabilities are of great value and make it a popular addition to a cutting cycle for this specific purpose.
Although its mild estrogenic activity is relatively easy to control at moderate doses, any fluid retention is undesirable for cutting purposes, so EQ is often stopped in the weeks before the end of a cycle and the cycle continued to compound that have no aromatizing effects so zero fluid retention is achieved for maximum muscle hardness.
- Steady gain of strength
- Quality muscle mass
- Muscle mass preservation
- Increases Body endurance
- Promotes the growth and repair of muscle tissue
- Stimulates protein synthesis
Additional information
Chemical Composition Boldenone Undecylenate
Strength 250mg
Pack Size 10ml Vial
Laboratory V-Med Labs